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Title: Enhancement of Emotional Intelligence, Family Communication, and Family Satisfaction Via a Parent Educational Program
Authors: Platsidou, Maria
Tsirogiannidou, Evdoxia
Type: Article
Subjects: FRASCATI::Social sciences
Keywords: Emotional intelligence
School for parents
Educational intervention
Family communication
Issue Date: 2016
Source: Journal of Adult Development
Volume: 23
Issue: 4
First Page: 245
Last Page: 253
Abstract: In this study, 156 participants were tested before and after attending an 8- to 10-week parent educational program to check if their scores on general EI, perspective taking anger expression, family communication, and family satisfaction changed. Also, the study aimed to explore how individual factors (i.e., age, educational status, number of children, etc.) as well as general and specific EI skills are related to family communication and satisfaction and if the educational intervention modified their relationships. Results showed that on the completion of the educational intervention, parents had a modest improvement in family communication and satisfaction, and emotional intelligence, and a limited enhancement of perspective taking and anger expression. The main effects of parents’ age, educational level, and number of children were not significant for any of the variables tested. Also, no statistically significant differences were found between the group of parents attending the program for the first time and the group who had attended similar programs more than once. Finally, emotional intelligence was identified as a mediating variable, which partly explained the relationship of anger expression with family communication and family satisfaction, whereas it fully mediated the relationship of perspective taking with the two family-related variables.
ISSN: 1068-0667
Other Identifiers: 10.1007/s10804-016-9240-y
Appears in Collections:Department of Educational & Social Policy

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