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Title: Using Serious Games for Promoting Blended Learning for People with Intellectual Disabilities and Autism: Literature vs Reality
Authors: Tsikinas, Stavros
Xinogalos, Stelios
Satratzemi, Maya
Kartasidou, Lefkothea
Type: Conference Paper
Subjects: FRASCATI::Natural sciences::Computer and information sciences
FRASCATI::Social sciences::Educational sciences::Education, special (including:to gifted persons, those with learning disabilities)
Keywords: accessible blended learning
serious games
intellectual disabilities and autism
Issue Date: 2018
Volume: 725
First Page: 563
Last Page: 574
Volume Title: Interactive Mobile Communication Technologies and Learning
Part of Series: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Part of Series: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Abstract: Educating people with intellectual disabilities (ID) or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a non-trivial process and differs from the learning methods of typically developed people. Recently, serious games (SGs) have been used to enhance the learning process of these groups and address different skills. On the other hand, blended learning (BL) is applied to formal and informal educational contexts and combines face-to-face and online learning. In this study, we examine if SGs can provide the necessary means for applying BL, especially for people with ID or ASD that could be benefited by personalized learning opportunities. In addition, we examine 43 existing SGs for people with ID or ASD, as well as the perceptions of 93 special education professionals (SEP) and teachers (SET) working in schools and institutions for people with ID or ASD regarding the role of technology and SGs in their education. We concluded that SGs could enhance the learning process of people with ID or ASD in many skills. In addition, the opinions of SEP and SET regarding the importance of technology in the learning process of people with ID or ASD and the familiarity with SGs, indicate that BL could be effectively promoted through SGs.
ISBN: 978-3-319-75174-0
ISSN: 2194-5357
Other Identifiers: 10.1007/978-3-319-75175-7_55
Appears in Collections:Department of Applied Informatics

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